In late 2023, after making the shortlist in a 3D-printed footwear design competition hosted by Zellerfeld, I embarked on an extended exploration of printed footwear. Over the past 10 months, I’ve developed unique printing methods, refined designs, and conducted rigorous stress tests to push the boundaries of what’s possible...
see current progress below
Models were first developed in Gravity Sketch then further refined in Blender. Spliced with unique custom settings and a specialty to order filament with a variable shore hardness.
Currently printing more for testing. Over 15 pairs printed given to colleagues. Please feel free to inquire with any further questions about the process.
I had the opportunity to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where I presented my designs and process to the team at Zellerfeld. I received valuable feedback and was invited to submit my design personally. I am currently reworking my design based on their input and am super excited to submit the next version!
*some printed models are the nami by Finn Rush-Taylor provided by Zellerfeld for testing